A few of my favourite blogs about Photography
Here are some of my favourite popular photography blogs:
PetaPixel - petapixel.com
Fstoppers - fstoppers.com
Digital Photography Review - dpreview.com
The Phoblographer - thephoblographer.com
500px Blog - 500px.com/blog
Petapixel - petapixel.com
Photography Life - photographylife.com
Light Stalking - lightstalking.com
Spoon Graphics - spoongraphics.co.uk
DIY Photography - diyphotography.net
Feature Shoot - featureshoot.com
The Kitchn - thekitchn.com (often features food photography)
Strobist - strobist.blogspot.com
Photo District News (PDN) - pdnphoto.com
Photo.net - photo.net
Exposure Guide - exposureguide.com
Art of Visuals - artofvisuals.com
Creative Live - creativelive.com
B&H Explora - bhphotovideo.com/explora
CNET's Photography Section - cnet.com/tech/cameras/
Do you know of any others, please add them in the comments below.